On 12 April I talked with poet Judith Tannenbaum about the new memoir By Heart: Poetry, Prison and Two Lives (New Village Press), which she co-wrote with poet Spoon Jackson, who is serving a life without parole sentence in the California prison system. She will appear at the Broad Street Bistro in Nevada City at 7 PM on Saturday 24 April.
I then talked with Nevada County author Chris Enss about her many books concerning women in the American West, with an emphasis on Thunder Over the Prairie (Globe Pequot Press) and others she's co-written with Howard Kazanjian. The two authors will autograph their books from 11 to 3 on 14, 15 and 16 May at the Holbrooke Hotel in Grass Valley. The 14th and 15th are the last two days of the California Preservation Conference in Western Nevada County and the 16th the day the Amgen Tour of California bike race begins in Nevada City.
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posted by Eric Tomb and others 11:01 AM