On 13 April I talked with Andrew Sean Greer about his most recent novel The Story of a Marriage, which has just been releasd in paperback by Picador. We also touched on his earlier novel The Confessions of Max Tivoli (also Picador). Some common themes between The Story of a Marriage and Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier came up in the conversation. Andrew Sean Greer will appear at 1 PM on Monday 20 April at the University Union Ballroom at Sacramento State University as part of the California Lectures series. I previously talked with him about Max Tivoli on 1 November 2004.
I then talked with David Carle about the revised edition of his Introduction to Water in California, which is part of the University of California Press's California Natural History Guides series. I had previously talked with David about his Introduction to Air in California (on 27 November 2006) and Introduction to Fire in California (on 1 July 2008). And yes, he hopes that his Introduction to Earth in California* will be available next year.
At the end of the program I mentioned three upcoming events.
Two have to do with National Poetry Month: at 7:30 PM on Thursday 16 April B L Kennedy and Mario Ellis Hill will read at the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley as part of the Nevada County Poetry Series; at 2:30 PM on Saturday 18 April Matt Amott, Julia Valin, Todd Cirilo and Will Staple will read Poems from the Night Shift at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center.
Also at 7:30 PM on Saturday 18 April Books Across the Water will present an evening of words and music at St Joseph's Cultural Center in Grass Valley featuring the Moore Brothers, Luke Janela, Casual Fog, Molly Allis, Earth Rhythms, Seamsplit and author Kim Culbertson to raise money to send books to a South African township.
To hear this program, click here.
* If you can't wait that long, UC Press already has two good books that cover part of the topic:
Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations by David R Montgomery (whom I interviewed on 25 June 2007) and Sand: The Never-Ending Story by Michael Welland. Dead Pool: Lake Powell, Global Warming, and the Future of Water in the West by James Lawrence Powell gives a different look at water in California and adjacent regions.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 8:25 PM