On 2 March I talked with Robert Tindall about his new book The Jaguar That Roams the Mind: An Amazoniam Plant Spirit Odyssey. Tindall and his wife Susana Bustos will talk on Encompassing the Amazon: Ayahuasca, Vegetalismo & Cultural Survival (Inner Traditions/Park Street Press) at 7:30 PM on Saturday 7 March at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center. More information at 265-
I then talked with Nevada County author Sylvia Anderson about her novel Symbolia (AuthorHouse), which she calls 'a Mythic Journey for Children of All Ages'.
At the end of the program I mentioned novelist Richard Price, author most recently of Lush Life (now in paperback from Picador). He will speak as part of the California Lectures series at the Crest Theater in Sacramento at 7:30 PM on Thursday 12 March.
To hear this program, click here.
P S Two weeks ago I received a copy of Christopher Moore's new novel Fool, which is the story of King Lear narrated by Lear's fool Pocket. An accompanying letter from a
publicist was addressed to 'Dear College Radio Producer and/or DJ' and offered five hardcover copies of the book as giveaways. I wrote back explaining that KVMR is not a college station but that I'd like to interview Moore. I never heard back from Morrow. What's up? Is it that Moore doesn't give interviews? It can't be that. I just went to his website and see he's talking all over the place. I guess his publisher thinks his target audience is college students (though maybe not Brandeis ones). Sorry, Nevada County.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 3:14 PM