On 24 November I talked with Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam about his book A Great Idea at the Time, a lively history of the Great Books program which has just been published by PublicAffairs. Alex and I have been discussing the progress of the book since he first started working on it in late 2006. Our first conversation broadcast on 2 October 2006, our second on 5 March 2007, our third on 23 July 2007 and our fourth on 3 March 2008.
I then talked with journalist Leslie T Chang about her recently published book Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China (Spiegel & Grau). I interviewed Ms Chang's husband Peter Hessler about his book Oracle Bones: A Journey Between China's Past and Present (HarperCollins) on 19 June 2006
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 10:56 AM