On 28 April I talked with novelist, memoirist and short story writer Tobias Wolff about his most recent book Our Story Begins: Selected and New Stories (Knopf). Wolff will appear in conversation with Pam Houston at 7:30 PM on Thursday 8 May at the Crest Theater in Sacramento as part of the California Lectures series. The interview was followed by a recording of novelist and short story writer T C Boyle reading Wolff's story Bullet in the Brain. The reading was part of a New Yorker series in which some of the magazine's writers pick their favorites from stories other writers have published there. To hear the full recording, including a discussion of Bullet in the Brain by Boyle and New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman, click here.
I then talked with English author David Ambrose about his first novel The Man Who Turned Into Himself, which has just been republished in paperback by Picador.
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 3:20 AM