Monday 2 April 2007
On 2 April I talked with Jerry Mander, Founder and Co-Director of the International Forum on Globalization, about his most recent book Paradigm Wars: Indigenous People's Resistence to Globablization (Sierra Club Books). Jerry will appear at St Joseph's Hall in Grass Valley at 7:30 PM on Saturday 21 April in an event co-sponsored by the Sierra Nevada Deep Ecology Institute, the Peace Center of Nevada County and the Alliance for a Post-Petroleum Local Economy (APPLE).
I then talked with Larry Gonick about his Cartoon History of the Universe, the most recent volume of which is the first part of The Cartoon History of the Modern World (HarperCollins), and about his Cartoon Guides to various topics.
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 4:29 PM