Monday 13 November 2006
On 13 November I talked with Booktown's Camptonville correspondent John Deaderick about his recent reading, in particular David Mitchell's Black Swan Green (Random House) and Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier (many editions). I mentioned that Ford had collaborated with Joseph Conrad on several novels, but incorrectly listed The Secret Agent as one of these. A listener called in to recommend Janet Morris's Crusaders in Hell, part of the Heroes in Hell series (Baen Books).
I then talked with Barry Pateman, associate editor of the Emma Goldman Papers, about the life and works of Edward Carpenter Barry will be one of the ringleaders of REVOLUTION by the BOOK, an evening with AK Press, America's foremost publisher and distributor of anarchist and radical literature, at 7 PM on Saturday 2 December at Jason's Studio Cafe, 134 South Auburn Street in Grass Valley (next door to Booktown Books and Tomes). The evening will include readings, book presentations and music, featuring the Devin Hoff Platform. More information is at 530-273-7057,, and
I finally talked with Chris Olander about the Nevada County Poetry Series Giant Open Mic reading, which will take place at 7:30 PM this Thursday 16 November at the Off Center Stage behind the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley. The NCPS 2006 Anthology will be available for the first--and possibly last (it's a very small printing)--time at the reading. More information is at 530-432-8196 or 530-274-8384.
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 6:22 PM