Monday 16 October 2006
On 16 October I played a prerecorded interview with Amy Tan, whose most recent novel is Saving Fish from Drowning (Putnam). She will appear at Literature Alive!'s Wordslingers Festival at 7:30 PM on Saturday 21 October at the Veterans Memorial Building in Grass Valley.
I then talked with Jason Roberts, author of A Sense of the World: How a Blind Man Became History's Greatest Traveler (HarperCollins), a biography of the long-forgotten English traveler James Holman. Roberts will appear at the Book Seller in Grass Valley at 6:30 PM this Thursday 19 October.
I finally talked with Mark Lyon, who has been leading tours of Haunted Nevada City for the past few months. He will present a free one-man play Ghosties and Ghoulies and Long-Legged Beasties and Things that Go Bump in the Night at 7 PM this Thursday 19 October at the Miners Foundry in Nevada City.
This program ran during a KVMR Membership Drive and contains several requests for money. You can always contribute to KVMR even if you're listening months or years later by calling 530-265-9073 or going to
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 11:49 AM