Online interviews Wednesday 20 September 2006
On 20 September I uploaded two interviews I conducted yesterday.
I talked with Nina Jablonski, Head of the Department of Anthropology at Pennsylvania State University and author of Skin: A Natural History, which University of California Press will publish on 5 October. Professor Jablonski will appear in a presentation sponsored by the California Academy of Sciences at the Kanbar Theater of the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, 3200 California Street, San Francisco at 8 PM on Friday 5 October. Ticket information is at 415-321-8000.
This interview will be broadcast on Booktown at 1 PM on Monday 2 October. To hear it now, click here.
I also talked with Amy Tan, who most recent novel is Saving Fish from Drowning (Putnam). She will appear at Literature Alive!'s Wordslingers Festival at 7:30 PM on Saturday 21 October at the Veterans Memorial Building in Grass Valley.
This interview will be broadcast on Booktown at 1 PM on Monday 16 October. To hear it now, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 12:09 PM