Monday 18 September 2006
On 18 September I talked with poet Tom Wilson. He will be reading, along with Rodger Groghan and W K Dolphin, at the next performance of the Nevada County Poetry Series this Thursday 21 September at the Off-Center Stage of the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley. For more information call 530-432-8196 or 530-274-8384.
In honor of the 297th birthday of Samuel Johnson, creator of the first great English dictionary, I then talked with Julie Cobden, who has run the Nevada County Dictionary Project for the last nine years. With the help of the Book Seller in Grass Valley and various local chapters of the Rotary Club, she has been distributing paperback copies of the Oxford American Dictionary to 1000 fifth graders in western Nevada County every autumn.
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 10:30 PM