Monday 10 July 2006
On 10 July, I talked with Scott Shields, Chief Curator at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, about his book Artists at Continent's End: The Monterey Peninsula Art Colony, 1875-1907. The book accompanies an exhibition which shows at the Laguna Art Museum until 1 October, at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art from 21 October to 21 January 2007 and at the Monterey Museum of Art from 3 February to 29 April 2007.
I then talked with Katherine Rodger, editor of Breaking Through: Essays, Journals and Travelogues of Edward F Ricketts. She previously edited Renaissance Man of Cannery Row: The Life and Letters of Edward F Ricketts.
These books were published the University of California Press, which has recently released a magnificent new edition of Mary Hill's Geology of the Sierra Nevada.
I also mentioned Elizabeth Rosner, author most recently of the novel Blue Nude (Ballantine),
who will appear at the Book Seller in Grass Valley at 6:30 PM on Thursday 20 July; and the 21st Sierra Storytelling Festival, which will take place at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center 21-23 July. I hope to have interviews with Ms Rosner and one of the storytellers on the online-only version of Booktown next Monday 17 July.
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 6:19 PM