Monday 1 May 2006
On 1 May I talked with Peter Schrag, columnist for the Sacramento Bee, and author most recently of California: America's High-Stakes Experiment (University of Calfornia Press). During the conversation, we referred frequently to his earlier book Paradise Lost: California's Experience, America's Future (also UC Press).
I then talked with Nevada City attorney Allan Haley about his plan to create a new public-private library, modelled on the Boston Athenaeum, which could house notable collections of books from individual donors which wouldn't fit the current space or mission of the Nevada County Library. Allan can be reached at 265-6357 or at PO Box 1710, Nevada City CA 95959.
Two upcoming events I mentioned at the end are the awards ceremony of the 6th annual Teen Short Story Content, sponsored by Sierra Writers, which will be held at the Madelyn Helling Library in Nevada City at 7 PM on Wednesday 10 May; and the next literary roundtable sponsored by Poets & Writers Inc, which will take place at HQ: Headquarters for the Arts, 1719 25th Street in Sacramento from 10 AM to 12:30 PM on Thursday 11 May.
To hear the program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 8:19 PM