Monday 20 March 2006
On 20 March I talked with Dale Pendell about Pharmako/Gnosis, the third volume in his series of books about psycho-active substances (mostly plants) which began with Pharmako/Poeia and Pharmako/Dynamis, all published by Mercury House. He will host a book party at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center from 7 to 11 PM on Saturday 25 March. He will also be reading at City Lights Books in San Francisco on Wednesday 5 April; at The Booksmith in San Francisco on Tuesday 11 April; at the Baby Beats Reunion at New College in San Francisco on Friday 14 April; at Live Worms Gallery in San Francisco on Saturday 15 April; and at Gateways in Santa Cruz on Tuesday 4 May.
I then talked with Richard Stockton, author of Fondle the Fear, first published in 2003,which he is now turning into a TV program in Santa Cruz. He has also recently appeared at Gateways.
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 9:57 PM