On Monday 12 December I talked with local Janeites Robin Wallace and Pam Jessup about the novels of Jane Austen, whose 230th birthday will be Friday 16 December. We were joined by novelist Louis B Jones, who talked about Austen's influence on his writing (his novels include Ordinary Money, Particles and Luck and California's Over, all published by Random House).
Jane Austen's work is popping up all over these days, with a new version of one of her novels becoming a movie or TV special every year or so (in addition to the new Pride and Prejudice, recent spin-offs include Clueless and the Bollywood Bride andPrejudice). There are several Jane Austen socities around the world, including JASNA in North America. You can also call Robin Wallace at 265-9397 to find out about local Janevents.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 9:27 PM