On Monday 30 June we discussed the following books
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J K Rowling
published by Scholastic Books
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
published by Hyperion Press
The Klamath Knot by David Rains Wallace
published by the University of Caliofrnia Press
An Everyday History of Somewhere by Ray Raphael
published by Island Press
Virtual Tibet by Orville Schell
published by Owl Books, a division of Henry Holt & Co
Nobrow by John Seabrook
published by Alfred A Knopf
Moneyball by Michael Lewis
published by W W Norton
The Zydeco Tablets by Alison Pelegrin
published by Word Press
P.O. Box 541106
Cincinnati, OH 45254-1106
posted by Eric Tomb and others 8:05 PM