The books discussed on Booktown on Monday 10 March 2003 were:
Chanelling Biker Bob: Heart of a Warrior
Channeling Biker Bob II: Lover's Embrace
both by Nik C Colyer
published by Henrioulle Publishing Group, 228 Commercial Street #173, Nevada City, CA 95959-2507
1688: A Global History, by John E Wills, Jr
published by W W Norton
The Samurai, by Shusaku Endo
various editions
1919: The Year Our World Began, by William Klingaman
published by St Martin's Press
A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn
published by HarperCollins
Praying for Fog, by Sandra Dasmann
published by Sprindrift Press, Santa Cruz CA
The discussion of popular kids books at the Nevada County Library was postponed and will take place on 24 March
posted by Eric Tomb and others 9:12 PM