Monday 30 October 2006
On 30 October I talked with Washington Post reporter Anthony Shadid, who won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting for the stories he filed from Iraq and whose book Night Draws Near: Iraq's People in the Shadow of America's War has just been released in paperback by Picador. He will speak at Black Oak Books in Berkeley this Wednesday 1 N0vember at 8 PM. I recorded this interview on a home computer with sleeping cats in the room. Shadid's voice is somewhat echoey, but the waking cats' are strong and clear.
I then talked with David Callahan, author of The Moral Center: How We Can Reclaim Our Country from Die-Hard Extremists, Rogue Corporations, Hollywood Hacks, and Pretend Patriots (Harcourt).
I finally mentioned two upcoming events:
- The Second City comedy improv group will present Truth, Justice, or the American Way at 6 and 9 PM on Saturday 4 November at the Nevada Theatre in Nevada City as a fund-raiser for the Theatre. For more information call 265-6692.
To hear this program, click here.
- Local therapist and writer Bill Larsen will present his chapter 'The "New Vietnam"' from the anthology Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace, edited by Maxine Hong Kingston and published by Koa Books, in a free reading and booksigning at the Off Center Stage of the Center for the Arts in Grass Valley at 2 PM on Saturday 11 November. The event is sponsored by the Bookseller, which can providee more information at 272-2131.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 9:36 PM