Monday 3 April 2006
On 3 April I talked with Karen Armstrong, author of The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions (Knopf) and many other books.
I then talked with Andrew Wingfield, author of Hear Him Roar (Utah State University Press).
Upcoming literary events include Arnaud Maitland, author of Living without Regret: Growing Old in the Light of Tibetan Buddhism (Dharma Publishing), who will lead a daylong series of events at Saint Joseph's Cultural Center in Grass Valley starting at 10 AM on Saturday 15 April; and Willma Gore, author of dozen of children's books and several adult books, who will speak on A Lifetime of Writing for Love, Fun and Profit at 7 PM on Wednesday 12 April at the Madelyn Helling County Library in Nevada City, a presentation of Sierra Writers. (I incorrectly said on the air that Willma Gore would be here on Saturday 15 April).
To hear this program, click here.
posted by Eric Tomb and others 4:28 PM